Sybase SQL Errcode

아담의사과 | 2012.04.25 12:48 | 조회 36820 | 공감 0 | 비공감 0

Sybase Error Code는 다음과 같다.


CODE Message
-639 Parameter name missing in call to procedure '%1'
-638 Right truncation of s tring data
-637 Duplicate insert column
-636 Duplicate referencing column
-635 GRANT of column permission on view not allowed
-634 Unterminated C string
-633 Update operation attempted on a read-only cursor
-632 WITH CHECK OPTION violated for view '%1'
-631 RAISERROR executed: %1
-630 Invalid escape sequence '%1'
-629 Invalid escape character '%1'
-628 Division by zero
-627 Disallowed language extension detected in syntax near '%1'
-626 A thread used internally could not be started
-625 Too many parameters to this external procedure call
-624 A parameter to an external function is an unsupported datatype
-623 Data definition statements not allowed in procedures or triggers
-622 Could not allocate resources to call external function
-621 Could not find the named function in the dynamic library
-620 Could not load the dynamic library
-619 Need a dynamic library name
-618 Mismatch between external function platform specifier and current operating system
-617 Calling functions outside the database engine is not supported
-616 Too many columns in table
-615 Parameter '%1' not found in procedure '%2'
-614 Cannot drop a user that owns messages or datatypes
-613 User-defined type %1 not found
-612 User message %1 not found
-611 Transact SQL feature not supported
-610 User message %1 already exists
-609 Invalid datatype for column in WRITETEXT or READTEXT
-608 Invalid TEXTPTR value used with WRITETEXT or READTEXT
-407 An argument passed to a SQL Anywhere HLI function was invalid
-406 SQL Anywhere HLI internal error
-405 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI callback function
-404 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI host variable value
-403 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI host variable name
-402 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI statement name
-401 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI cursor name
-400 Invalid SQL Anywhere HLI command syntax
-308 Connection was terminated
-307 All threads are blocked
-306 Deadlock detected
-305 I/O error %1 -- transaction rolled back
-304 Disk full -- transaction rolled back
-302 Terminated by user -- transaction rolled back
-301 Internal database error %1 -- transaction rolled back
-300 Run time SQL error -- %1
-299 Statement interrupted by user
-298 Attempted two active database requests
-297 User-defined exception signalled
-296 Error number %1 for RAISERROR is less than 17000
-295 Cannot uniquely identify rows in cursor
-294 Format string argument number %1 is invalid
-288 Remote statement failed
-287 Passthrough statement inconsistent with current passthrough
-286 Remote message type '%1' not found
-285 User '%1' is not a remote user for this database
-284 User '%1' is already the publisher for this database
-283 Subscription to '%1' for '%2' not found
-282 Subscription to '%1' for '%2' already exists
-281 Table '%1' has publications
-280 Publication '%1' not found
-275 Triggers and procedures not supported in desktop engine
-274 Procedure or trigger calls have nested too deeply
-273 COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within trigger actions
-272 Invalid REFERENCES clause in trigger definition
-271 Trigger definition conflicts with existing triggers
-270 Cannot drop a user that owns procedures in runtime engine
-269 Cannot delete a column referenced in a trigger definition
-268 Trigger '%1' not found
-267 COMMIT/ROLLBACK not allowed within atomic operation
-266 Database was initialized with an older version of the software
-265 Procedure '%1' not found
-264 Wrong number of variables in FETCH
-263 Invalid absolute or relative offset in FETCH
-262 Label '%1' not found
-261 There is already a variable named '%1'
-260 Variable '%1' not found
-251 Foreign key '%1' for table '%2' duplicates an existing foreign key
-250 Identifier '%1' too long
-243 Unable to delete database file
-242 Incomplete transactions prevent transaction log renaming
-241 Database backup not started
-240 Unknown backup operation
-232 Server/database engine version mismatch
-231 Dblib/database engine version mismatch
-230 Sqlpp/dblib version mismatch
-222 Result set not allowed from within an atomic compound statement
-221 ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT not allowed
-220 Savepoint '%1' not found
-215 Procedure in use
-214 Table in use
-213 Savepoints require a rollback log
-212 CHECKPOINT command requires a rollback log
-211 Not allowed while %1 is using the database
-210 User '%1' has the row in '%2' locked
-209 Invalid value for column '%1' in table '%2'
-208 Row has changed since last read -- operation cancelled
-207 Wrong number of values for INSERT
-201 Invalid setting for option '%1'
-200 Invalid option '%1' -- no PUBLIC setting exists
-199 INSERT/DELETE on cursor can modify only one table
-198 Primary key for row in table '%1' is referenced in another table
-197 No current row of cursor
-196 Index '%1' for table '%2' would not be unique
-195 Column '%1' in table '%2' cannot be NULL
-194 No primary key value for foreign key '%1' in table '%2'
-193 Primary key for table '%1' is not unique
-192 Update operation attempted on non-updatable query
-191 Cannot modify column '%1' in table '%2'
-190 Cannot update an expression
-189 Unable to find in index '%1' for table '%2'
-188 Not enough values for host variables
-187 Invalid operation for this cursor
-186 Subquery cannot return more than one result
-185 SELECT returns more than one row
-184 Error inserting into cursor
-183 Cannot find index named '%1'
-182 Not enough fields allocated in SQLDA
-181 No indicator variable provided for NULL result
-180 Cursor not open
-172 Cursor already open
-171 Error opening cursor
-170 Cursor has not been declared
-162 Cannot outer join a view with a UNION or GROUP BY
-161 Invalid type on DESCRIBE statement
-160 Can only describe a SELECT statement
-159 Invalid column number
-158 Value %1 out of range for destination
-157 Cannot convert %1 to a %2
-156 Invalid expression near '%1'
-155 Invalid host variable
-154 Wrong number of parameters to function '%1'
-153 SELECT lists in UNION do not match in length
-152 Number in ORDER BY is too large
-151 Subquery allowed only one select list item
-150 Aggregate functions not allowed on this statement
-149 Function or column reference to '%1' in the select list must also appear in a GROUP BY
-148 Unknown function '%1'
-147 There is more than one way to join '%1' to '%2'
-146 There is no way to join '%1' to '%2'
-145 Foreign key name '%1' not found
-144 Column '%1' found in more than one table -- need a correlation name
-143 Column '%1' not found
-142 Correlation name '%1' not found
-141 Table '%1' not found
-140 Userid '%1' does not exist
-139 More than one table is identified as '%1'
-138 Dbspace '%1' not found
-137 Table '%1' requires a unique correlation name
-136 Table '%1' is in an outer join cycle
-135 Language extension
-134 Feature '%1' not implemented
-133 Invalid prepared statement type
-132 SQL statement error
-131 Syntax error near '%1'
-130 Invalid statement
-128 Cannot drop a user that owns tables in runtime engine
-127 Cannot alter a column in an index
-126 Table cannot have two primary keys
-125 ALTER clause conflict
-123 User '%1' is not a user group
-122 Operation would cause a group cycle
-121 Do not have permission to %1
-120 User '%1' already has grant permission
-119 Primary key column '%1' already defined
-118 Table '%1' has no primary key
-116 Table must be empty
-114 Number of columns does not match SELECT
-113 Column %1 in foreign key has a different definition than primary key
-112 Table already has a primary key
-111 Index name '%1' not unique
-110 Item '%1' already exists
-109 There are still active database connections
-108 Connection not found
-107 Error writing to log file
-106 Cannot open log file %1
-105 Cannot be started -- %1
-104 Invalid userid and password on preprocessed module
-103 Invalid userid or password
-102 Too many connections to database
-101 Not connected to SQL database
-100 Database engine not running
-99 C onnections to database have been disabled
-98 Authentication violation
-97 Database's page size too big
-96 Database engine already running
-95 Invalid parameter
-89 Database engine not running in multiuser mode
-88 Client/server communications protocol mismatch
-87 Database name required to start engine
-86 Not enough memory to start
-85 Communication error
-84 Specified database is invalid
-83 Specified database not found
-82 Unable to start specified database
-81 Invalid database engine command line
-80 Unable to start database engine
-79 Invalid local database switch
-78 Dynamic memory exhausted!
-77 Database name not unique
-76 Request denied -- no active databases
-75 Request to start/stop database denied
-74 The selected database is currently inactive
-73 Communication buffer underflow
0   (no message)
100 Row not found
101 Value truncated
102 Using temporary table
103 Invalid data conversion
104 Row has been updated since last time read
105 Procedure has completed
106 Value for column '%1' in table '%2' has changed
107 Language extension detected in syntax
108 Cursor operation conflict
109 Null value eliminated in aggregate function
200 Warning
400 The supplied buffer was too small to hold all requested query results

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>> [DB] Sybase SQL Errcode 아담의사과 36821 2012.04.25 12:48
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